Restaurants in Lyon

L'andouille, a speciality of Lyon

It’s been said that if the heart of France is in Paris, the stomach is in Lyon. Known primarily for its cuisine, Lyon is without a doubt the gastronomic capital of France. Its reputation for good food goes back a century while today, the city attracts gourmet chefs from around the world –all coming to experience the Lyonnaise fare.

Bouchons and Beaujolais

Lyon’s major contribution to French cuisine came in the 19th century during the height of the silk industry. Workers from the silk factories crowded into small bistro cafes known as bouchons. Here they would quickly dine on rather simple and cheap food to get them through an 18 work day. These bouchons were family operated restaurants that may have lacked style but made up for it in a warm, home-style environment. During the turn of the century, the better of these restaurants were owned by formerly well to due families. After having to let go their hired cooks, the restaurants were quickly taken over by the mothers of the house. It was from the Mères of these special kitchens did the cuisine of Lyon develop becoming what we refer to today as Lyonnaise food –simple, tasty and with a glass of Beaujolais.

Traditional dishes

The typical menu you’ll find in a Lyonnais restaurant will focus on meat, particularly andouille (grilled sausages), tripe (pig or cow’s stomach) and boudin noir. Also quite common is chicken liver, cerverlas, quenelles or an old favorite known as cervelle de canut. Lyon’s many bistros will also feature upscale French dishes such as fois gras and truffles but for a true taste of Lyonnais food, its best to stay with the traditional.

Michelin guide

Published by the French company Michelin, the Michelin Guide is an international reference for restaurant evaluation. The guide evaluates restaurants and awards them a rating of one to three stars. These awards are given to restaurants that are of the most quality around the world. Lyon currently has the highest number of Michelin starred restaurants in Europe. With 14 in total, they come only second to Paris, London and Brussels.

Take a look at some of our favorite restaurants in Lyon. Bon Appétit!

Paul Bocuse

Auberge du pont de Collonges
40 quai de la Plage
69660 Collonges au Mont d'Or
Open all days, only on reservation
Tel. +33 4 72 42 90 90

Guy Lassausaie 2*

1 rue de Belle Cise, 69380 Chasselay
Open all days except Tuesday and Wednesday
Tel. +33 4 78 47 62 59

La Mere Brazier

12 rue Royale, 69001 Lyon
Open from Monday to Friday
Tel. +33 4 78 23 17 20

Au 14 Fevrier - Vieux Lyon

6 rue Mourguet Vieux, 69005 Lyon
Open from Tuesday to Friday and Saterday midday
Tel. +33 4 78 92 91 39


6 rue Hippolyte Flandrin, 69001 Lyon
Open each evening from Tuesday to Sunday
Tel. +33 4 78 28 32 36

Le Danton

8 rue Danton, 69003 Lyon
Tel. +33 4 37 48 00 10

Jeremy Galvan

29 rue du boeuf, 69005 Lyon
Open from Tuesday to Friday and Saterday evening
Sur réservation au minimum la veille
Tel. +33 4 72 40 91 47

Villa Florentine

Les Terrasses de Lyon
25-27 Montee Saint-Barthelemy, 69005 Lyon
Open from Tuesday to Saterday
Tel. +33 4 72 56 56 56

Au Petit Bouchon chez Georges

8 rue du Garet, 69001 Lyon
Open from Monday to Friday
Tel. +33 4 78 28 30 46

Where to go

Great places to eat, drink and visit.

Bar et cafe

A premium selection of cafes and bars for lonely nights or evenings with friends.

Points of interest

Best places to explore the city by foot or bike.

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